This calculator is designed to help you estimate how much insurance you need to protect your family in the event of your death. When using the calculator, ask yourself "If I died today, how much would my family need to be secure and what would I be leaving them?"

Please only enter numbers (no letters or other characters) in each field provided below.


We offer policies in USD, GBP and EUR. Please select your preferred currency from the drop-down menu provided.

Immediate Cash Needs

These are the funds which may be needed in the first few weeks and months after a person has passed away to settle hospital bills, funeral costs, mortgages or other debts, as well providing for an emergency cash fund.

1. Final Expenses

Funds to cover final expenses following your death and would normally include such expenses as funeral costs, medical expenses, probate fees and legal fees.

2. Mortgage

If you have a current mortgage and want to provide for insurance to clear this in the event of your death, enter the current value of your mortgage here.

3. Other Debts

Estimate the amount which needed to pay off any other debts you have such as credit card balances, car loans, education loans, bank loans or overdrafts.

4. Emergency Cash Fund

This is an amount you may wish to reserve for your family in the event of unforeseen events, such as income lost due to work absence, medical expenses, and home or car repairs.

Total Immediate Cash Needs

Education Fund Needs

These are the funds which you may wish to provide for to pay for the completion of your children’s education.

5. Remaining Cost of Schooling

Estimate the total cost for your children to complete their school education.

6. Tertiary Education

Estimate the total future cost of your children’s college or university education.

Total Education Fund Needs

Long-Term Family Fund Needs

These are the funds which you may wish to ensure are in place for your family’s longer-term financial security, by providing for an annual income to maintain your family’s standard of living after your death.

7. Income Replacement Need

How much of your current annual income is needed to maintain your family's standard of living after your death?

8. Number of Years Required

How many years will this income be required to be replaced for?

9. Annual Growth Rate (%)

The expected growth rate or interest rate you expect will be achieved if this money is invested (note - it is advisable to assume a conservative growth rate).

( % )
10. Inflation Rate (%)

The estimated inflation rate or annual increase in cost of living.
(Note – the average global inflation rate is currently 4.6% per annum).

( % )
11. Real rate of return (%)

This is the net return on an investment after adjusting for inflation.
(Inflation erodes the future purchasing power of money).

( % )
Long-Term Family Fund Needs *

* The Long Term Family Fund Needs is arrived at by calculating the income required per annum over the number of years stipulated, factoring the real rate of return over this period.


Death Duties, Estate Duties or Inheritance Taxes

The governments of approximately 40 countries levy some form of death duty, estate duty or inheritance tax on the estate of a deceased citizen or tax-resident, which must be paid by the deceased’s family. Often, the most effective solution to this liability is to provide for an insurance policy which covers the value of the tax. Depending on the local tax regulations, it might be most appropriate to place this insurance in a Trust. You should seek the advice of a Financial Advisor, Tax Attorney or Accountant to best advise you on the most appropriate solution for your own circumstances.

12. Death, Estate or Inheritance Taxes

Estimate the current value of any duties or taxes which might be payable on your Estate in the event of your Death.

Total Estate or Inheritance Taxes

Current Assets and Investments

These could be savings, investments or other assets you may already have in place to pay for your children’s education or your family’s longer-term financial security, reducing the amount of insurance you would need to put in place.

13. Savings and Investments

Estimate the current value of your savings and investments which may be liquidated to provide your family with cash-flow in the event of your death. Include the value of any stocks, bonds, savings and other investment accounts.

14. Retirement Savings

Estimate the current value of any retirement savings which may be liquidated to provide your family with cash-flow in the event of your death.

15. Other assets

Estimate the current value of any other assets you have which may provide income to your family (such as inheritance, commodities, rental properties, etc.).

Total Current Assets and Investments

Current Life Insurance Portfolio

To assist our calculator to determine the amount of insurance you need, please enter the sum insured of any life insurance policies you may have, including cover which may be provided by your current employer.

16. Annual Renewable Insurance Policies

Enter the value payable on your death from any annual renewable insurance.
(The premiums for annual renewable insurance generally increase each year).

17. Fixed Term Insurance Policies

Enter the value payable on your death from any term insurance policies you may hold. (Term insurance is insurance for a fixed period with a fixed or level premium payable throughout the term).

18. Decreasing Term or Mortgage Linked Insurance Policies

Enter the value payable on your death from any decreasing term insurance policies you may hold, or policies which are linked to a mortgage.

19. Whole of Life or Investment Linked Insurance Policies

Enter the value payable on your death from any Whole of Life or investment-linked insurance policies.

Total Current Life Insurance Portfolio


Immediate Cash Needs
Education Fund Needs
Long-Term Family Fund Needs
Estate or Inheritance Taxes
Less Current Assets and Investments
Less Current Life Insurance Portfolio
Estimate of Life Insurance Required

If you would like to receive further information about our family protection solutions or any other assistance, please complete the sections below and we will be in contact with you soon:

Important Notes

  1. This calculator is provided as a free tool to assist users in determining how much insurance they may need to protect their family in the event of their death. The results produced by this calculator are based solely on the values input by the user in each section. Unisure does not offer financial or tax advice and the use of this calculator should in no way be construed as advice received by or from Unisure.
  2. The final value returned under “Estimate of Life Insurance Required” should be used as a guide only. You and your family may determine you need more or less than this amount. You should discuss the final value of your insurance needs with your financial adviser, insurance broker or tax adviser before proceeding with an application.
  3. Any policy benefits for a Unisure policy will be paid to the beneficiary or beneficiaries without any deduction of tax. The tax treatment of any benefits will depend on the personal circumstances of the beneficiary or beneficiaries, including their country of residence, at that time. Unisure is unable to provide individual tax guidance and we recommend that you always consult your financial adviser, insurance broker or tax adviser on such matters.

Unisure Limited is a Unisure Group company.Unisure Limited is registered in England and Wales with company registration number 9111373, and is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority, with FRN 719400.